Category Archives: tyranny

Will Americans Be Targeted By It’s Own Government?

     Regardless of the who is the target or why this brings the U.S. into dangerous territory. Those who are totally committed to the ideas of the dangers of terrorists may see this as a victory, but how far will such powers be taken in the future. Always remember that this is a power that the executive branch of government has taken upon itself without any direct authority granted by the legislative branch of government. Another solid example of America being turned over to the ideals of tyranny due to fear(a fear mostly paid for and originally trained by our own government). It would be one thing to take these matters into their own hands if it was done by those elected by the people of America, but this is a secret panel that decides if citizens should be put on the “kill list”.  If there is (and probably will be) another terrorist attack on American soil will this extra judicial power be expanded to be used within our own borders. Is this chipping away at the idea of  America having a fair judicial system that gives everyone the right to a trial. It may seem ridiculous to those who are constantly in fear of the next terrorist, but who will be the enemy next?

Secret panel can put Americans on “kill list’

(Reuters) – American militants like Anwar al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or capture list by a secretive panel of senior government officials, which then informs the president of its decisions, according to officials.
There is no public record of the operations or decisions of the panel, which is a subset of the White House’s National Security Council, several current and former officials said. Neither is there any law establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which it is supposed to operate.
The panel was behind the decision to add Awlaki, a U.S.-born militant preacher with alleged al Qaeda connections, to the target list. He was killed by a CIA drone strike in Yemen late last month.
The role of the president in ordering or ratifying a decision to target a citizen is fuzzy. White House spokesman Tommy Vietor declined to discuss anything about the process.
Current and former officials said that to the best of their knowledge, Awlaki, who the White House said was a key figure in al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, al Qaeda’s Yemen-based affiliate, had been the only American put on a government list targeting people for capture or death due to their alleged involvement with militants.
The White House is portraying the killing of Awlaki as a demonstration of President Barack Obama’s toughness toward militants who threaten the United States. But the process that led to Awlaki’s killing has drawn fierce criticism from both the political left and right.
In an ironic turn, Obama, who ran for president denouncing predecessor George W. Bush’s expansive use of executive power in his “war on terrorism,” is being attacked in some quarters for using similar tactics. They include secret legal justifications and undisclosed intelligence assessments.
Liberals criticized the drone attack on an American citizen as extra-judicial murder.
Conservatives criticized Obama for refusing to release a Justice Department legal opinion that reportedly justified killing Awlaki. They accuse Obama of hypocrisy, noting his administration insisted on publishing Bush-era administration legal memos justifying the use of interrogation techniques many equate with torture, but refused to make public its rationale for killing a citizen without due process.
Some details about how the administration went about targeting Awlaki emerged on Tuesday when the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Representative Dutch Ruppersberger, was asked by reporters about the killing.
The process involves “going through the National Security Council, then it eventually goes to the president, but the National Security Council does the investigation, they have lawyers, they review, they look at the situation, you have input from the military, and also, we make sure that we follow international law,” Ruppersberger said.
Other officials said the role of the president in the process was murkier than what Ruppersberger described.
They said targeting recommendations are drawn up by a committee of mid-level National Security Council and agency officials. Their recommendations are then sent to the panel of NSC “principals,” meaning Cabinet secretaries and intelligence unit chiefs, for approval. The panel of principals could have different memberships when considering different operational issues, they said.
The officials insisted on anonymity to discuss sensitive information.
They confirmed that lawyers, including those in the Justice Department, were consulted before Awlaki’s name was added to the target list.
Two principal legal theories were advanced, an official said: first, that the actions were permitted by Congress when it authorized the use of military forces against militants in the wake of the attacks of September 11, 2001; and they are permitted under international law if a country is defending itself.
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Posted by on October 6, 2011 in government, tyranny


Innocent Hondurans Killed For The Climate

     Here is another example of the horrors that are being carried out in the name of climate change. Another company is in hot water over the killing of innocents in order to secure land for carbon credit schemes. See my earlier article on the recent news about Ugandans being treated in a similar manner.
British Corporation Evicts Villagers In Uganda

EU carbon credits scheme tarnished by alleged murders in Honduras

Calls for Honduran credits to be thrown out of ETS following alleged killings, while consultation process goes under review
Arthur Neslen for EurActiv, part of the Guardian Environment Network, Monday 3 October 2011 11.57 EDT

The reported killing of 23 Honduran farmers in a dispute with the owners of UN-accredited palm oil plantations has called into question the integrity of the EU’s emission trading scheme (ETS), as carbon credits from the plantations remain on sale.

In Brussels, Green MEP Bas Eickhout called the alleged human rights abuses “a disgrace”, and told EurActiv he would be pushing the European Commission to bar carbon credits from the plantations from being traded under the ETS. Several members of the CDM board have been “personally distressed” by the events in Bajo Aguán, northern Honduras, according to the board’s chairman, Martin Hession, and have placed under review the CDM’s stakeholder consultation process.

“Plainly, the events that have been described are deplorable,” said Hession. “There is no excuse for them.” But because they took place after the CDM’s stakeholder consultations had been held, and fell outside the board’s primary remit to investigate emissions reductions and environmental impacts, it had been powerless to block project registrations.

At the heart of the issue are the reported murders of 23 local farmers who tried to recover land that they say was illegally sold to big palm oil plantations, such as Grupo Dinant, in a country scarred by widespread human rights abuses.

In July, a report by an international fact-finding mission was presented to the European Parliament’s human rights sub-committee, alleging that 23 farmers, one journalist and his partner, had all been murdered in the Bajo Aguán region between January 2010 and March 2011.

The alleged killings were facilitated by the “direct involvement of private security guards from some of the local companies who are complicit with police and military officials”, the report said. In some cases it cited “feigned accidents” in which farmers were run over by security guards working for palm oil businessmen. In other cases, the farmers were simply shot, or had “disappeared”….

Charities like the Lutheran World Federation are particularly concerned, as they say the situation in Bajo Aguán is deteriorating. “There are worrying signs that the Honduran government is moving 1,200 police officers and military personnel into the area,” said Toni Sandell, a rights worker with Christian NGO Aprodev.
Other human rights workers in the region claim linkages between Honduran state forces and the landowner’s militias they protect, which are said to have connections to local drug traffickers.

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Posted by on October 4, 2011 in environmentalism, fascism, tyranny


Did The NYPD Lose Their Patients

     There is questions whether or not the police seemed to trick the protestors into thinking they were allowed to use the roadway, and took the lack of communication to their advantage. The people have the right to protest, and the police have the responsibility as public servants to communicate their needs to these protestors. I know as a veteran of New York City protests, that legitimate protestors desire to get their message heard, and not arrested. If the police communicate their needs to the protestors, they will do the best they can to stay in the right. If the protestors story pans out to be accurate, this will be one of the worst cases of police abuse and stifling of freedom of speech in our history! 
Police Arrest More Than 700 Protesters on Brooklyn Bridge

Updated, 11:55 p.m. | In a tense showdown above the East River, the police arrested more than 700 demonstrators from the Occupy Wall Street protests who took to the roadway as they tried to cross the Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday afternoon.
The police did not immediately release precise arrest figures, but said it was the choice of those marchers that led to the swift enforcement.
“Protesters who used the Brooklyn Bridge walkway were not arrested,” said the head police spokesman, Paul J. Browne. “Those who took over the Brooklyn-bound roadway, and impeded vehicle traffic, were arrested.”
But many protesters said that they thought the police had tricked and trapped them, allowing them onto the bridge and even escorting them across, only to surround them in orange netting after hundreds of them had entered.
“The cops watched and did nothing, indeed, seemed to guide us onto the roadway,” said Jesse A. Myerson, a media coordinator for Occupy Wall Street who was in the march but was not arrested.
Things came to a head shortly after 4 p.m., as the 1,500 or so marchers reached the foot of the Brooklyn-bound car lanes of the bridge, just east of City Hall.
In their march north from Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan — headquarters for the last two weeks of a protest movement against what demonstrators call inequities in the economic system — they had stayed on the sidewalks, forming a long column of humanity penned in by officers on scooters.
Where the entrance to the bridge narrowed their path, some marchers, including organizers, stuck to the generally agreed-upon route and headed up onto the wooden walkway that runs between and about 15 feet above the bridge’s traffic lanes.
But about 20 others headed for the Brooklyn-bound roadway, said Christopher T. Dunn of the New York Civil Liberties Union, who accompanied the march. Some of them chanted “take the bridge.” They were met by a handful of high-level police supervisors, who blocked the way and announced repeatedly through bullhorns that the marchers were blocking the roadway and that if they continued to do so, they would be subject to arrest.
There were no physical barriers, though, and at one point, the marchers began walking up the roadway with the police commanders in front of them – seeming, from a distance, as if they were leading the way. The Chief of Department Joseph J. Esposito, and a horde of other white-shirted commanders, were among them.

Ozier Muhammad/The New York TimesPolice secured some protesters’ hands with plastic ties.

After allowing the protesters to walk about a third of the way to Brooklyn, the police then cut the marchers off and surrounded them with orange nets on both sides, trapping hundreds of people, said Mr. Dunn. As protesters at times chanted “white shirts, white shirts,” officers began making arrests, at one point plunging briefly into the crowd to grab a man.
The police said that those arrested were taken to several police stations and were being charged with disorderly conduct, at a minimum.
A freelance reporter for The New York Times, Natasha Lennard, was among those arrested. She was later released.
Mr. Dunn said he was concerned that those in the back of the column who might not have heard the warnings “would have had no idea that it was not O.K. to walk on the roadway of the bridge.” Mr. Browne said that people who were in the rear of the crowd that may not have heard the warnings were not arrested and were free to leave.
Earlier in the afternoon, as many as 10 Department of Correction buses, big enough to hold 20 prisoners apiece, had been dispatched from Rikers Island in what one law enforcement official said was “a planned move on the protesters.”
Etan Ben-Ami, 56, a psychotherapist from Brooklyn who was up on the walkway, said that the police seemed to make a conscious decision to allow the protesters to claim the road. “They weren’t pushed back,” he said. “It seemed that they moved at the same time.”
Mr. Ben-Ami said he left the walkway and joined the crowd on the road. “It seemed completely permitted,” he said. “There wasn’t a single policeman saying ‘don’t do this’.”
He added: “We thought they were escorting us because they wanted us to be safe.” He left the bridge when he saw officers unrolling the nets as they prepared to make arrests. Many others who had been on the roadway were allowed to walk back down to Manhattan.
Mr. Browne said that the police did not trick the protesters into going onto the bridge.
“This was not a trap,” he said. “They were warned not to proceed.”
In related protests elsewhere in the country, 25 people were arrested in Boston for trespassing while protesting Bank of America’s foreclosure practices, according to Eddy Chrispin, a spokesman for the Boston Police Department. The protesters were on the grounds and blocking the entrance to the building, Mr. Chrispin said.
Natasha Lennard, William K. Rashbaum and Elizabeth A. Harris contributed reporting.

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Posted by on October 2, 2011 in police state, protests, tyranny


Wisconsin Attacks Fundamental Right Of Life (Feed Yourself)

     On August 12, 2011 as the movement towards natural and organic foods grow the fundamental right to produce food of your own choice was attacked in State of Wisconsin. To quote the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund requested clarification of the court’s decision:

1) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or a dairy herd;
2) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to consume the milk from their own cow;
3) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to board their cow at the farm of a farmer;
4) no, the Zinniker Plaintiffs’ private contract does not fall outside the scope of the State’s police power;
5) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to produce and consume foods of their choice;

America is believed to be a consumer driven capitalist society based on the concepts of individual freedom, but this is an attack to the very heart of such a concept.  Food is a basic right of survival, and the state has assumed the right to dictate who has the right to produce what kind of food. Is this just a reason to collect taxes and fees from farmers? An attempt to dictate the diets of the citizens (control has been creating nutrition deficiency without hunger)? An attempt to protect corporate farms and food production from small farms (fascism)? Or is it all of the above? 
       Our rights as dictated since day one revolve around the concept of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (originally, the right to property, meaning right to own and do with as you wish). If we can not feed ourselves and each other under own dictates that is a direct attack on life itself. How far will the dictations of our governments go?
       Part of the answer is Codex Alimentarius, which is the international regulations of food safety and production standards from the UN and WHO. Again, another lose of sovereignty with blanket regulations without taking into consideration local needs or issues. It claims to be voluntary, but why are all major governments falling in line under these regulations? Global governance has come to our kitchens.

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Posted by on September 29, 2011 in food, tyranny


Closing In On Our Gold

       However not being the end all be all answer to economic woes, one of the only answers at the moment is Gold (gold and silver hoards of the governments and rich/powerful could be used to manipulate the markets at the same time if we go completely digital what good will it be). The problem with Gold is that it ejects you from the banker created/ government regulated economic system. Recent news coming from Europe harks back to the times in history when gold has been outlawed and confiscated from the public.
      Under the guise of attempting to curb  the sales of stolen metals France has passed a law to limit the amount of a metal that can be sold at one time. The law reads in translation as, “Any transaction on the retail purchase of ferrous and non ferrous (metals) is made by crossed check, bank or postal transfer or by credit card, not the total amount of the transaction may not exceed a ceiling set by decree. Failure to comply with this requirement is punishable by a ticket for the fifth class,” going on to confirm that any amount over €450 euros or $600 US dollars “must be paid by bank transfer”.
      The problem here is that the  law does not exclude such precious metals as gold. At the limit of  €450 it is impossible in most circumstances to buy even a half an ounce of gold. For those who look to move their savings into precious metals will find it very difficult to do so with such a law. At the same time the details of the law make it where the transactions will have to be done through a type of a bank transfer. This opens them up to the ability of the government to be able to identify those who have gold in their possession.
      There have been numerous times in history where gold sales or possession have been outlawed. In American history it is little known to most people that during the Great Depression possession of monetary gold was outlawed, and forced confiscation of existing gold through Roosevelt’s executive order 6102 in 1933. We are in a depression regardless of what the mainstream media says. Especially with the growing anti-Federal Reserve movement in this country(example: occupy Wall Street) how far are we from our government taking the same drastic measures?

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Posted by on September 27, 2011 in economy, tyranny


Ron Paul has questions about Super Congress

I have very little to no trust in anyone that can play the politics game, but it is nice to see one of them ask the right questions.


Repost: Terror Crisis Or Debt Crisis, The Solution Is Always A Super Dictatorship

Saman Mohammadi
Aug 4, 2011

New World ORder
“I have no intention for the next weeks and months to be talking about this committee.” – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi when asked by reporters at a press conference about the new Super Congress. (Source: Gregory Korte, USA Today, August 3, 2011).
“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. . . Things that we had postponed for too long, that were long-term, are now immediate and must be dealt with. This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before.” – Chicago Mayor/Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. (Source: Gerald F. Seib, The Wall Street Journal, November 21, 2008).
“We all live in a house on fire, no fire department to call; no way out, just the upstairs window to look out of while the fire burns the house down with us trapped, locked in it.” – Tennessee Williams
Nothing makes sense in Washington if you assume that the leading political figures in both parties care about the interests, freedoms and security of the American people. The political, media, and financial elite are pursuing an anti-democratic, anti-Constitution, and anti-American agenda.

This agenda includes the gutting of Social Security and Medicare, an endless war for empire, the economic, security and political unification of Mexico, America and Canada, and top-down control of the economy and society by a technocratic class that answers to criminal bankers and criminal corporations.
The creation of the Super Congress is another step in a process that began long ago, and won’t end until the structures that underpin the American constitutional republic are destroyed once and for all.
By the swish of a pen, the treasonous political leaders from both parties overstepped their colleagues, who are considered half-wits that are blocking their secret agenda of control.
“This provision,” said Congressman Ron Paul, commenting on the Super Congress, “is an excellent way to keep spending decisions out of the reach of members who are not on board with the leadership’s agenda.”
Both President Obama and his treasonous comrades on the other side of the aisle are taking advantage of this hyped crisis to fundamentally change the character of the American political system and pass draconian laws without the active resistance of Congress.
During a calmer state of affairs in Washington they would not have been able to get away with establishing a new legislative body which decisively ends the illusion that Washington can be held accountable to the American people through the voting box.
Time after time, we’ve seen the Hegelian dialectic being used in Washington against the American people. The 9/11 attacks produced a crisis of insecurity and public fear that led to the criminal invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, and gave the American people the Patriot(Traitor) Act.

Then in September 2008, the big criminal banks on Wall Street, led by Secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson, generated their own crisis by threatening to blow up the financial system if Congressmen and Senators refused to pass the TARP Bailout bill. The American people’s representatives were bombarded with a campaign of fear and propaganda, with the threat of Martial Law and economic collapse hanging over their heads, if they did not hand over trillions of dollars of the American people’s money to the banks.
As financial analyst Max Kesier, economist Dean Baker, economist Michael Hudson, and others have said over and over again: Wall Street banks and private central bankers regularly use terrorist tactics to get what they want, while leaving the American people to starve and die in their own country, and forcing millions of human beings to live like slaves without homes, without jobs, and without a future.
The crisis that should define the political discourse in America and set the terms of the public debate is a political crisis and a legitimacy crisis, as pointed out by Catherine Austin Fitts, the former Assistant Secretary of Housing, in this interview.
This political crisis centers around the manipulations and hidden machinations of private bankers, aka financial terrorists, who are occupying America with the help of paid-off politicians, including President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner.
Once this crisis is recognized by the great majority of the American people it will be an easy thing to overcome it and restore America’s financial independence. And the roots of this political crisis are very, very deep. It goes back to the assassination of JFK, and the creation of the illegal Federal Reserve System. Over the years this crisis has evolved for a reason: it has not been faced yet.
The crisis cannot be fully understood if people overlook the fact that a silent mutiny against America’s constitutional republic took place in November 1963, when the security-intelligence-military-financial apparatus basically took over the office of the Presidency. The traitors had names and faces. Former CIA Director Allen Dulles is one of them. Another is former CIA Director/President George H. W. Bush.
Washington shifted from a constitutional republic to an invisible plutocratic dictatorship after the CIA’s assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Ever since, real American history has been ignored, whitewashed and censored by the CIA-controlled mass media, and academia.
Investigative journalist Russ Baker is one of the few journalists who has a handle on the scale of the treason that was committed against America in 1963. Baker recently wrote in his article,”The NY Times’ Ostrich Act On JFK Assassination Getting Old:

“I myself ran into the depth of the subterfuge and the institutional resistance to disturbing revelations while researching the Bush family’s past for my investigative history, Family of Secrets. I learned, for example, of George H.W. Bush’s secret intelligence connections, which preceded his CIA directorship by several decades. I learned that the elder Bush had a lifelong friendship with a Dallas-based Russian émigré (anti-communist) oil and intelligence operative named George de Mohrenschildt—who himself was of intense if passing interest to the Warren Commission. And I learned that de Mohrenschildt had essentially guided Oswald for a good part of the year before the assassination.
There’s paperwork on all this, even a letter on the topic of Oswald from de Mohrenschildt to Bush, with Bush’s reply. Plus connections between de Mohrenschildt and right-wing Dallas moguls of exactly the sort that the late Mr. Leslie wrote about more generally.”

The crisis of legitimacy in Washington extends to other Western capitals, especially London and Ottawa. People in these countries are fed up with the left/right political puppets, the parasitic oligarchy, the secret intelligence agencies that are breaking the law, and the entire Western political system that masquerades as democratic and free.
But the political crisis is not the only crisis that we face in this century. We live in an age of mega-crisis. There exists a true state of global emergency. However, there are fake crises which are generated by greedy oligarchs and authoritarian politicians who are only interested in advancing their own private objectives and interests, and there are real crises that impact us all like endless global war, false flag state terrorism, unemployment, lack of truthful reporting in the media, environmental degradation, and many more. Here is a general list:
Energy Crisis
Crisis of Endless War
Environmental Crisis
Poverty Crisis
Financial Crisis
Political Crisis
Immigration Crisis
Health Care Crisis
Unemployment Crisis
Hunger Crisis
False Flag Terrorism Crisis
Crisis of Conscience
Moral Crisis
Crisis of Confidence in Political Leaders
Accountability Crisis in most Western governments
Constitutional Crisis
U.S. Dollar Crisis
Mainstream Media Crisis
Government Secrecy Crisis
Crisis of Understanding
Crisis of Communication, Truth, and Knowledge
The greatest crisis in the list above is the moral crisis. All the other crises can be fixed if we use our creative and collective imagination. We must stop listening to power-mongering politicians and criminal private bankers that want to bring upon us a tyrannical and totalitarian world system.
Martin Luther King Jr. famously said, “I agree with Dante, that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in a period of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.”
King, John F. Kennedy, and Robert F. Kennedy faced the moral crisis head-on by challenging the forces of the global financial-militarist empire, and showed America that the way towards national redemption and renewal requires unbreakable courage.
All three brave men got their heads cut off in public by the cabal of treasonous usurpers in Washington who are now about to cut the American people’s head off after stuffing it all these years with totalitarian propaganda and evil lies. But the American people’s head is not as soft as these wicked traitors imagine it to be.
Setting up a super global corporate dictatorship on the ruins of America and other collapsing Western countries will be met with resistance.

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Posted by on August 4, 2011 in government, tyranny


Super "VIllian" Congress Will Kill America

   Order out of chaos is the mantra of the wise men who make a living out of guiding the direction of humanity. Whether it is in politics or banking, these men know that through crisis and fear they can introduce solutions that would otherwise not be accepted by the general populace. Although highly adaptable humans do not desire change. We as a species gravitate towards the familiar. Due to our nature their is this need for fear of/or crisis to move us to change. Many sciences like psychology, sociology, anthropology and more come together to create the understanding of how to manage human behavior. Whether or not you can see the possibility of the elites of the world to plan in such a manner it is becoming undeniable that these same factors are coming together to create a huge change through all the world, and especially here in America.
     We have been warned of the debt limit crisis numerous times over the past year with the fear being ramped up in the last few weeks.  We have been warned of the possible problems which could be created for America’s credit, which will not be adverted regardless of the outcome of this debt limit “crisis”. Just as the economic crisis at the end of 2008 people began to feel the fear when the president comes out and tells people that there is something to be afraid of. Traditionally the government, especially the President should try to calm fears because of the irrevocable damage that can be done to the confidence in the economy. This building of tension could just be the fear of a powerful man being expressed, but the result is the priming of the public for a desperate answer for desperate times.
    Like any other mammal Humans can only take so many crises before they break down. Once the someone sees crisis all around them, like Pavlov’s dog that person will sit and cower. The human version of this is apathy and addictive consumption of forms of distraction. This would explain the never ending success of all forms of mass media since the complexity of the modern era has been our way of life. This type of aversion or apathy creates a situation ripe for change beyond the normal human tolerance.
    We have come to a moment of major change in what is arguably the most powerful country the world has ever seen. Due to the planned post industrial economy that has been put into place the nation’s economy is in dire straits, along with the rest of the industrialized world. In order to avert this crisis of their own creation the House and Senate has passed a bill that will overhaul the very fabric of the legislative body while eroding a major principle of the separation of powers. Relief may wash over the many that will get their social security, payroll, and benefit checks while the rise of a new form of government takes place within this (very) former Republic.
   We have been fear mongered into this decision because Congress could not compromise and act fast enough. The Founding Fathers of this nation knew what the enemies to the liberties of free people. They warned of the power of a King, and the manipulation of the herd mentality of the masses. If this continues it will be the manipulation of the masses that will have allowed the consolidation of power into fewer hands. Now we are looking at something foreign to the principles of American government.
    This new deal will create the recently talked about Super Congress. A group of 13 people will have the authority to create bills and present them to the legislative body for a simple up down vote with out the ability to amend the bills as presented. If the bill does not pass the still have the ability to enact it due to the need to avoid another stalemate in emergency matters such as this debt issue which brought this “problem” in the first place. This group would consist of  6 House members and 6 Senate members with the President the 13th member of this hand picked (without any voice from the people) Super Congress. The legislation that the Super Congress will not be able to be amended or filibustered. It can be passed by a simple majority, and if not it automatically triggers massive spending cuts (possibly to put the fear into politicians to go along with the legislation).
   There are many issues with transparency that is also coming to light. The super congress will be able to receive recommendations, but there will be no public disclosure of such proceedings. At a time when there has been continuing promises of transparency in such issues, this is a huge set back for the calls for the public to have more insight into the inner workings of the nations legislative processes. Some believe that if the public is not aloud to see the source of legislation this super congress will become a breeding ground for ideas that originate from lobbyists that would otherwise be undesirable to most of the public.
    This Super Congress idea was presented to us as only being for solving the debt limit crisis, but even before the bill was passed by both houses of congress high ranking members will announcing how this will be used in any situation that has proved a problem for the powers that be. Just as before this Super committee was dreamed of legislation of all kinds have been wrapped up in budget bills. Many people in government and out of fear that the issues that divide Americans the most will be decided with secret recommendations to this shadowy congressional “star chamber”. Groups such as Gun Owners of America have sent out alerts about the possible threat to the 2nd amendment due to the repeated threats of this administration’s desire to change this right.
    Some in the media has compared this to be a kind of Leninist takeover of the issue. Lenin like the other tyrannical and socialist governments believe that only select experts have the wisdom to run the country for the benefit of all. If we read the histories, we know that the only benefit is for the experts in government and the bureaucracy. That is obviously the direction in which this steps in. The true voice of the people are being entirely cut out through this new committee. Whether or not it may be something as bad as Leninist, it certainly is not constitutional.
    Despite the passing of this deal which is being hailed as saving us at the last minute there are many saying that this will do nothing to save the country from a major economic crisis unlike what has been seen before. The former Comptroller General David Walker has responded to these fears recently:

“The fact of the matter is that government has grown too big, promised too much and waited too long to restructure. Our problem is overwhelmingly a spending problem.”
“Lets understand something very simple. If you have escalating deficits and mounting debt, that means you have to increase the debt ceiling limit at some point and it means absent structural reforms in entitlement programs, defense and other spending, those represent deferred tax increases.”
“We are not exempt from a debt crisis,” he said. “We’re never going to default, because we can print money. At the same point in time, we have serious interest rate risk, we have serious currency risk, we have serious inflation risk over time. If it happens, it will be sudden and it will be very painful.”

These problems with inflation has destroyed the value of our money, and as a result we do not pay back our debt with the proper value. In order for our creditors to get the proper value for the loans made our credit rating will still have to be downgraded. The fixes are all propaganda because, China has even declared it publicly that America has already begun to default on our debt.
    However true it is that our government has not been wise in it’s economic policy, it needs to be noticed that the majority of the post industrial countries in the world have taken a similar economic policy. You need production capabilities to make money, but the governments have legislated and along with international finance bankers have funded the pooling of production capabilities in a select few countries (examples: China, India, Brazil). This along with the government taking on the debt of failed banks and all that entails has backed us into a debt corner where we can’t ever pay it all back.
    We have possible seen the rise of a new government out of the confusion and apathy of fear. A new government that will only be for the benefit of the elite and the parasite bankers/corporations that have been feeding off of the taxes we pay.
    This situation is the very definition for the meaning of the quote from Plato, Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty.” That is why it is those who are not enveloped by the fog which is created by this modern times and propaganda to sound the alarms that the form of government that has protected our liberties for all of our history has had a war started upon it. We can’t allow the author Plato (teacher to the elite) be correct. Human will and freedom can defeat all.

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Posted by on August 3, 2011 in government, tyranny


Government Granting Itself Super Powers

    Governments often times run a course of development, a type of an evolutionary cycle. In modern times most of the governments of the developed nations went through a phase that embraced the concept of the social contract between the governed and Government. At which point the public could lay claim to the highest levels of personal freedom and liberty.
  In almost all cases the state of the law does not maintain but only continues to build from the point of establishing a satisfactory social contract with the people. As the piles of legislation begin to accumulate it is inevitable that there will come a time where in order to justify its own existence the government will begin to step outside of it’s traditional defines role. Where once public safety, sanitation, and taxation was the domain of government now they dip their hands into every corner of their citizens lives. Protecting the people from every problem or pitfall that may come your way becomes Big Brother’s business. As you can see the problems begin to grow.
     In our case today the problems have grown to a point of such enormity that the government can no longer afford to fund all the solutions which they have offered us. This in turn has created a new crisis of money(no matter how orchestrated the problem has been by those in charge) which they have to offer a solution to. We are currently at the brink of the government losing the ability to fund all their ventures. People will lose money, Government may shut down, and credit ratings will go down causing massive economic ripples through America and the world. Congress can not decide on how to fix this massive economic problems, and time is running out for their to be a solution. It is times like these, where the social contract has been stretched to its max and crisis looms governments will take massive steps into dictatorial creeds.
   Do to the fact that Congress can not agree to a solution the leadership of the political parties are contemplating a Super Congress. This would have a select group of 12 representatives pass legislation to be fast tracked through the legislative body in a time as crisis such as this. Yet another example of the people’s voice being ignored completely. This government has dug this economic hole. Giving them more powers far outside of the Constitution is not the answer. This begins to look like the Communist system of rulings by committee.
  The Super Congress answer arises at the same time that others are asking President Obama to invoke the 14th amendment and use the near dictatorial powers that was exercised under its evocation after the Civil War. Either way our way of life is deteriorating in the name of government getting its way with unlimited power and money. Their answer is to change the rules as they go along. Many of the worst examples of tyranny have used the same route to their fall as well. Just think, our depression isn’t even as bad as what the Wiemar Republic had to deal with yet, and we may get their. We might only be seeing the beginning of what their answers are during real crisis.

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Posted by on July 29, 2011 in big brother, tyranny


"Democracy passes into despotism" – Plato

       Before the existence of express political compacts it was reasonably implied that the magistrate should govern with wisdom and Justice, but mere implication was too feeble to restrain the unbridled ambition of a bad man, or afford security against negligence, cruelty, or any other defect of mind. It is alleged that the opinions and manners of the people of America, are capable to resist and prevent an extension of prerogative or oppression; but you must recollect that opinion and manners are mutable, and may not always be a permanent obstruction against the encroachments of government; that the progress of a commercial society begets luxury, the parent of inequality, the foe to virtue, and the enemy to restraint; and that ambition and voluptuousness aided by flattery, will teach magistrates, where limits are not explicitly fixed to have separate and distinct interests from the people, besides it will not be denied that government assimilates the manners and opinions of the community to it. Therefore, a general presumption that rulers will govern well is not a sufficient security. — You are then under a sacred obligation to provide for the safety of your posterity, and would you now basely desert their interests, when by a small share of prudence you may transmit to them a beautiful political patrimony, that will prevent the necessity of their travelling through seas of blood to obtain that, which your wisdom might have secured: — It is a duty you owe likewise to your own reputation, for you have a great name to lose; you are characterized as cautious, prudent and jealous in politics; whence is it therefore, that you are about to precipitate yourselves into a sea of uncertainty, and adopt a system so vague, and which has discarded so many of your valuable rights. — Is it because you do not believe that an American can be a tyrant? If this be the case you rest on a weak basis; Americans are like other men in similar situations, when the manners and opinions of the community are changed by the causes I mentioned before, and your political compact inexplicit, your posterity will find that great power connected with ambition, luxury, and flattery, will as readily produce a Caesar, Caligula, Nero, and Domitian in America, as the same causes did in the Roman empire. -George Clinton, Letter V, The New-York Journal, November 22, 1787

       As one of the founding fathers George Clinton found himself on the anti-federalist side of the constitutional debate because of his concern s dealing with the checks on the powers of the government. You can also see from this excerpt that he feared that the American attitudes would change, as the political climate would with it. He describes brilliantly here how the governments interests will separate from the people’s will. Let me reiterate again the most important line.

…opinion and manners are mutable, and may not always be a permanent obstruction against the encroachments of government; that the progress of a commercial society begets luxury, the parent of inequality, the foe to virtue, and the enemy to restraint; and that ambition and voluptuousness aided by flattery, will teach magistrates, where limits are not explicitly fixed to have separate and distinct interests from the people….

In the wisdom of a man who has studied and witnessed tyranny first hand he has also warned that Americans are not above the faults of the past. Man, as a whole unit, is the same in any place or any time, and will readily produce a tyrant for our times if we allow the greedy power hungry to reign supreme.
      These warnings echo down to us through time and fades on the ears of modern man. The luxury of our times have opened the gap between interests of the government and the governed. In George Clinton’s warnings about this was a begging for a proper checks and balances system to ensure the adherence to the principles behind the struggle to throw off the chains of the British government. This has been a struggle all through out our history. From the arguments of the anti-federalist vs federalists, Jefferson’s land acquisitions, Lincoln’s near dictatorial rule, FDR’s New Deal, Bush’s suspension of habeas corpus, to Obama in our current financial crisis. Now in our time this system is breaking down. In the new millennium, accelerating with Obama the executive is exerting its powers in the government to a near monarchical level with virtually no checking of its power from either of the other branches of government.
      As previously stated, there has been numerous examples of how the office of the presidency has over stepped the limitations originally set for by the constitution. The decisions of the office have begun to be revered as if that of a monarch. At one time it was the job of Congress to legislate and the executive to find the best way to execute the laws they pass. In recent times the congress has been regulated to an equal, if not lower, position in legislation as the office of the president. The most recent story that prompted this article is Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) floating the possibility of a plan to allow the President to have the power to deal with the current debt ceiling situation. This clearly would go against the parts of the Constitution which gives the power to Congress to pay the debts and set the budget (Article I section 8). Public attention caused the idea to be squashed, but the principle behind such plan goes against everything that was intended by separating the branches of government. Virtually all the tyrannies of history have taken this same step. Money is power.
       Executive orders have been a way for the President to push the limits of the authority of the office for a long time. In the fear of crisis and chaos the President has been allowed to rule by decree (much like the monarchs previous centuries).Recently Obama has used these executive orders to restructure massive parts of the government while giving no consideration to Congress. Obama set up a whole new government council named, The Council of Governors. Through this council of 10 selected state governors the national security and defense agencies of the federal government will integrate and partner with state governments on various initiatives. With a stroke of his pen the President bypasses Congress and 40 of the states governors in issues that are remapping the relationship between federal and state in ways that are not provided for in the constitution nor have been amended to provide for since then.
     On the subject of executive order dictating major changes in the federal government, The Rural Council is another council that Obama has established recently. It is to integrate numerous federal agencies to go into rural America and dictate the way that rural America will do business and develop (with an eye towards big business’ interests being looked after) agriculture. To quote the order itself,

“Coordinate and increase the effectiveness of Federal engagement with rural stakeholders, including agricultural organizations, small businesses, education and training institutions, health-care providers, telecommunications services providers, research and land grant institutions, law enforcement, State, local, and tribal governments, and nongovernmental organizations regarding the needs of rural America.”

     On a slightly different issue, Obama has expanded America’s military rule in the world since he took office (as it has been continually expanding since the World Wars). Many people would question the legitimacy of many of the military actions that America has taken in the last seventy years due to the lack of Congress’ declaration of war, but the most recent situation in Libya has a slightly different issue. While congress never issued any decision for action to be taken in Libya Obama took the consolations and decisions of the UN as all the authority he needed. The extent to which the military will be involved in Libya is still yet to be seen out to the end, but as there is debate over the possibility of using ground forces (and numerous hints to the planning of further action somewhere in that region) Obama is going far beyond his statement of a short kinetic action into the realm of participating in a war. The question is which is worse, stepping on the Congress’ war powers act or as president taking direction from the UN over the elected representatives of Congress?
     This is only a minute list of the examples of how the office of the Presidency has been overstepping the parameters of the duties to which the office was given. The FCC is attempting to take control of the internet with or without Congressional approval. The EPA looks to enforcing draconian environmental regulations with or without Congress. The FDA also is starting to enforce restrictions against natural foods and supplements. This is not an attempt to bash Obama because each President has whittled away at the confines that the constitution gave to the Presidency. If allowed to go unchecked eventually the Presidency will chip away at those confines to the point at which the monarch of old will emerge from within (as they always do).

Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty.– Plato

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Posted by on July 21, 2011 in constitution, Obama, tyranny